Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More Americans Now Believe that Obama is Indeed a Muslim

Before his presidency, Barack Obama was a democratic Senator of the state of Illinois. Having graduated at Harvard University law school with Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna cum laude honors, he was then perceived as an intelligent and skillful man. On February 10, 2007, Obama announced his bid for presidency. During his campaign, his platforms with regards to ending the war in Iraq, improving and increasing energy efficiency and creating a universal health care program caught the attention of a lot of people. Obama would then win the presidential race being the first African-American to take the highest position in office in America.

During the early days of his presidency, there was renewed hope felt by millions of citizens especially that the nation has been plagued by a lot of social, political and economical problems left by the previous administration. Because of him being considerably black, there were also high hopes in the restoration of freedom and justice regardless of race. But after almost 2 years in office, it seems that the voting population has been steadily losing trust and patience with Obama.

His inability to resolve the rising death tolls in both wars (Afghanistan and Iraq) have drawn many criticisms from several politicians, lawmakers and citizens. Also, the controversial health care reform bill has also received negative reviews stating that it is unreasonable and will only negate the freedom enjoyed by millions of Americans. Another big issue is his capability to find a solution to the present economic crisis that has left 12% of the population without a job. The increasing budget deficit is also a huge concern limiting government funding on basic social services and also erasing thousands of federal jobs.

But perhaps the most controversial issue that the President has faced is with regards to his comments on the proposed Mosque to be constructed two blocks away from Ground Zero. Because of that incident, more people have developed doubts about the real religion of Obama. A recent poll indicated that 1 in every 5 Americans believed that Obama is a Muslim. Even before his comments on the proposed Mosque, there is already a continued rise on the belief that he is indeed a Muslim.

Various democrats label this as a politically-charged action ahead of the Congressional elections. They also argued that some of the disagreements that pertain to Obama’s religion were linked to discontent of his performance. Whatever the real score is, the degree of distrust to the president is really increasing. I can fully say that this has also something to do with the lack of transparency that the present administration has. If indeed Pres. Obama is really a Christian, then the government should have nothing to hide and show the actual proof to the people. With lack of confidence and trust, the nation will never achieve national unity.

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