Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The War in Iraq is Not Yet Over

After 8 years of hearing suicide attacks, scud missiles and coordinated drone bombings, the U.S. armed forces has finally called on the withdrawal of its troops in Iraq. Standing firm on his decision to end the highly controversial and chaotic war, Pres. Obama implemented an August 31 deadline to cut its troops to below 50,000. For the past few weeks, the armed forces have been busy with the withdrawal of 90,000 troops, 40,000 vehicles and 1.5 million pieces of military hardware. This move was highly praised by the international community and the American majority as well.

Considering the number of U.S. servicemen who either lost their lives or lost a limb trying to fight for a war that isn’t anymore progressing as it used to be, the troop withdrawal will save thousands of lives and save the American taxpayer’s money too. During the course of the war, more than 4,400 U.S. soldiers have been killed and thousands more were injured. But despite of the massive troop withdrawals, there is no clear guarantee on whether or not the war will be over and will the U.S. lost more of its troops in the ground.

Amazingly, all indications point to the continuation of the war with more U.S. troops under constant threat of an attack from rebel positions. Just in case you didn’t know, there will be over 50,000 troops which will be left in Iraq taking on an advisory role. They will help train and assist the Iraqi police and military to be self-sufficient in protecting their nation against internal and external threats. With the growing strength of the insurgency, there might still be huge possibility that the U.S. will again be involved in a combat role to fight these rebel activists.

The Iraqi armed forces may not be capable enough to handle the different of their country. The recent suicide bomb attack in an army recruitment center which killed at least 58 people is a testament to the growing concern of insurgency and the incompetence that the Iraqi forces have been showing. There may also be a possibility that the remaining U.S. troops will be attacked forcing them to switch back to their combat role.

Despite of the wonderful and flowering promise by Pres. Obama, it is no doubt that it is just a deception as the war continues. As long as there are U.S. soldiers stationed in Iraq, the war will continue and the lives of these Americans will constantly be at risk. The War in Iraq will serve as a grim reminder to the suffering felt by thousands of Americans and Iraqis too.

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