Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Using Taxpayer’s Money to Fund Pool Parties?

Before, the American society was always seen as an ideal and likable society. They basically had a high quality of living which most nations adore of. No one can ever imagine how this sole superpower in the world and considered to be one of the richest nations suddenly fell and now has a $13 trillion worth of debt. And this very expensive debt is continuously incrementing as the US government is irresponsibly spending. This unreasonable spending has accounted for the ballooning budget deficit that the country is currently facing.

Did you know that part of the expensive tax that the taxpayers are paying goes to the recreation programs of the Department of Justice? Some of the programs are hosting pool parties and giving free rollercoaster rides. They will also host several contests such as burger or hotdog-eating contests which citizens and police officers participate. The justice department believes that these programs will help keep kids away from illegal drugs and strengthen the crime prevention campaign.

According to a news report, an Oklahoma City program was found out to be spending a significant amount of money in purchasing rather irrational stuff. Some of the purchases were a giant flat screen TV, 40 pairs of binoculars and several Japanese-style swords worth $200. The police department admitted that most of the binoculars were actually not used at all. What will they even do with the Japanese-style swords?

Much of these programs are funded or earmarked by Congress. It is also interesting to note that most of these programs didn’t even go through public review or at least consulted public opinion. Several politicians have already taken advantage of this situation by allocating funds to groups that they are related off.

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently found out that there are actually no records of the total money spent for these programs. They also emphasized that there actually is no official study conducted to measure the usefulness of these programs. It must be assumed that the Department of Justice is spending the taxpayer’s money on a program that is not even proven yet to be effective.

This event is a perfect illustration of how the government lacks transparency and accountability. We may now know it but a large portion of the nation’s budget is going to useless and unreasonable projects which only a few will benefit. The nation is already drowning in so much debt. There is no more margin for error as economic recovery should immediately start as soon as possible.

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