Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where Did the Tea Party Movement Originated?

The tea party movement has been on the spotlight for quite some time now. Almost every major protest or rally in America is staged by members of this movement. From bailout plan of 2008 up to the recent health care reform bill of President Obama, the movement has always air their opinions and concerns. But have you ever wondered why and when did this movement come into existence?

It was on the year 1773 when officials from Boston refused to release three taxed shiploads of tea back to Britain. A group of individuals responded by boarding the ship and destroyed the confiscated teas by throwing them to the harbor of Boston. It was a very significant event as it opens doors to a more active and socially, politically active inhabitants.

A particular act named as the “Tea Act” was passed on by the British Empire. Almost as immediately, the Boston inhabitants protested this act indicating that it violated their rights and be taxed unreasonably. This event served as a wakeup call to the minds of the American people. The Boston Tea Party was an important landmark greatly influencing the start of the American Revolution.

Today, the Tea Party Movement has been especially active in influencing the many decisions of the government of America. It has become a very influential gathering of people airing their voices and concerns. Some of the things that are being focused by this movement are reducing taxes, reducing budget deficit, reduce government overspending, implement a simpler tax system and identify constitutionality of new laws.

There have been issues and conflicts that arise within the movement. According to a survey, the movement implements racist comments as most of its members are white republicans with conservative views. It has been said that most of the people who oppose President Obama’s health care bill take at as a racist issue because of his being black. Despite of this, most of the participants of the tea party movement claim that race will never be an issue and the only thing they care about is keeping America free. With the continuous existence of biased and unfair decisions on the part of the government, the movement will continue to stay and promote only what’s best for America.

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