Wednesday, July 14, 2010

US Taxpayers Are Also Paying for the First Lady

President Obama’s rise to power was a very inspiring story. I still could remember the time when Pres. Obama was still giving a campaign speech to thousands of people. He was a very charismatic man and he really caught the hearts of millions of Americans all over the nation. But as the saying goes, “For every success of a man comes a woman beside him”. Yes. I am talking about the first lady the United States of America, Mrs. Michelle Obama.

Mrs. Obama was actively campaigning and helping her husband during the election campaign period. Her charms may also be one of the many reasons why Pres. Obama won decisively over his rival Republican John McCain. Today, many have criticized the first lady for fielding a full force of staff which of course adds to the government’s expenses. Mrs. Obama currently has 22 members of her staff which cost the taxpayers $1.5million a year.

According to the US constitution, the first lady of the US is never elected, does not have constitutional duties and will never receive salary compensation. But as far as we know it, she has been receiving a whole bunch of benefits such as having a personal assistant, a chief of staff, some members of the secret service and some other travel expenses.

One controversial event was during her Paris trip where she reportedly went on a shopping spree. It was also a fact that the shops in Paris were forced to open on a Sunday so as to accommodate the Obamas. What caught the eyes of the people are the 20 secret service vehicles she brought along with. Those vehicles were supposedly funded by taxpayers. And not to mention the other expenses she incurred in that trip which was not declared by the White House.

President Obama used to campaign for a transparent and democratic government. Sad to say, they haven’t been living to their promises. Instead of spending money for their own luxuries, why don’t they instead create bills and projects that would benefit the American people? We can clearly see that a lot of people are upset and unsatisfied with the way the country is moving. The economy is crumbing and more people are suffering. If only Pres. Obama would start remembering and realizing his promises, then if would have been a better and more ideal scenario. The seat of the US Presidency is never a spot for royalty and luxury but instead a place for dedicated service to the American people.

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